Psalm 92
Our Heavenly Father ushered into His presence
and eternal Sabbath rest, our beloved
father, grandfather and great-grandfather
Gerrit Jan van Daalen
December 7, 1924 – September 12, 2021
Predeceased by his wife of 61 years,
Maatje Adriana van Daalen (May 25, 2014)
He will be lovingly remembered and missed by his family
Ria (& Donald predeceased) Van Dyken
Harry & Kristin Van Dyken (Tyler, Christopher, Gentry, Donald, Adalynne)
Timothy & Sarah Van Dyken (Liam, Sawyer, Caedmon, Briar)
Nathan & Rachel Van Dyken (Theodore, Rorik)
Sarah & Joseph Schoolland (Thaddeus, Alice, Beatrix, Jethro, Brigitta)
Emily & James, Jr. Newsom (Marijke)
James Van Dyken
Elizabeth & Todd Wright
Rebecca & Micah Harding (Elodie, Otto, Daphne)
Kenneth & Keele Van Dyken (Ira, Cyrus, Amelia, Harriet)
Jessica & Michael Plaza (Raymond, Ezekiel)
Jacques & Margaret van Daalen
Cheryl & Murray Geertsma (Michael, Megan, Chad, Chelsea)
David & Sonya van Daalen (Tyler, Erica, Savannah, Shawn, Hudson, Anneke, Roman)
Janessa & Jamie Klazinga (Hope, Ezra, Summer)
Stephanie & Steve Visser (Landon, Elyana, Holden)
Jody & Brian Koerssen
Ian & Sophie Koerssen
Amanda & Jordan Mateljan
Jordan Koerssen
Lisa & Lungani Dlamini
Samuel, Simon, Stephen, Solomon,
Landulile, Seth, Lamulile, Samson, Sasson
John Kemink
It is with great sadness to hear about Gerrit’s passing. I extend my sympathies to all of Gerrit’s family and friends. My parents Art and Alice Kemink and I have had a long friendship with the Van Daalen family going back to the immigration to Brandon, Manitoba in 1958. His loyalty and appreciation of my father’s work as an artist was greatly appreciated.
I also had the good fortune to be employed with the De Leuw Cather consulting firm where I met Gerrit once again in 1965 after having lost contact after the Brandon years. It was during those years that Gerrit and I commuted to work on Leslie Street in his Volkswagen Beetle. Gerrit was a frequent visitor with Alice after the passing of Art in 2006 and our meetings continued in Gerrit’s home in Kleinburg until very recently.
John Kemink
John Kemink
Art and Gerrit
John Kemink
Alice and Gerrit
Diane Anderson
My sincere condolences to all the members of Gerrit’s family. Gerrit was my neighbour at the Gables of Kleinburg for eleven years. He was a good neighbour and we had many conversations about gardening and religion. I enjoyed these talks as we both had travelled and seen the world. It will be sad for me not to see him in the halls or tending his garden. The world has lost a gentle man. I will miss his voice with its Dutch inflection.