At Brampton Civic Hospital on Monday, March 23, 2020, Livia Gawlik, at the age of 90 years, beloved wife of the late Henryk Gawlik. Loving mother of Erick and his wife Brenda, and Jorge. Cherished grandmother of Matthew and Noah.
The family is having a private service.
Condolences for the family may be offered at
Darlene Avram
Sending Condolences to the Family.
I met this lovely lady while I was living in the same condo.
God Bless and Rest In Peace Livia.
Darlene Avram.
Wally , Carolyn ,& Navada Zalewski
Sending Condolences to the family, We are very sorry to hear of Aunt Livia’s passing . Wishing you peace to bring comfort , courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your HEART .RIP Aunt Livia.
E&M Di Sotto
Dear Family!
Remembering Livia as such a bubbly
Lady! All Heart!
Our deepest condolences!
You are in our thoughts &
May Perpetual Light Shine
upon Livia!
Sincerely !
Ennio , Michelle Di Sotto
& Family
Ellen Parise
Our deepest condolences to the family!Livia was a dear neighbour on the second floor at Rivers Edge.I will always remember her dry wit!She was such a lovely lady and we will miss her.
Sincerely Ellen and Michele Parise Apt 205
Jo Cardle
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Yours most sincerely,
Jo Cardle and Family
Toni Colbourn
Erik, Brenda & Jorge, my deepest condolences.
I have so many fond memories of Livia. She was a positive cheerful woman with a hearty laugh. I so enjoyed visiting Livia and Henry when I was young. They always made our visit fun with their humour and hospitality. It was also so nice to see both our parents with each other and especially the banter between my dad and Henry. It warms my heart to know that both our parents remained good friends for so many years.
I always thought Livia was a special lady who always made me smile.
Wishing you strength and courage during this very difficult time.
Toni Iannelli
Joe Iannelli
Hi Eric , Brenda and Jorge it was very sad to hear the passing of your mom Olivia . I have a lot of great memories of both your parents from going to the shop Saturdays to Macalpine and Henery fixing their cars my dad aggravating him because always got in your dads way but always nice to me buying dounuts and always winking at me when he got mad at my Dad but they had a love hate relationship they where the best of best friends . Your mother all I can say my Mom Carmela I think my was the best cook in the world my mom always would say your Olivia your mother was the best she taught my mother a lot from Chocolate Boganuts ( cookies ) not sure how to spell it all I know I ate millions of them to my all time favorite Stickinie (Meat on the stick ) they where best friends after both our dads passed they still where close speaking on the phone everyday . My entire Iannelli family has the up most respect for your parents.
Lina Vella
Just wanted to send my sincere condolences to Erick, Brenda, Gorge, Matthew and Noah. Livia was such a wonderful person. Kind and loving. I have fond memories of the whole family.
Being the youngest I used to visit a lot with my parents. They treated us like gold. They were alway there if my parents needed help. She was such a classy lady, and a dear friend to my mother Carmela. I was amazed at the length of their relationship. Even when my Father Ralph drove Henry crazy at work that never interfered with their relationship. May you Rest In Peace.
Love from Lina Vella (Iannelli) and family
Roselee Soyka
Sorry to hear about Livia, she will be missed by so many. We had lots of laughs and fun here in the building at various activities, and our many social chats.
Roselee Soyka , aptb403
Emily mMoran
Dear Eric, Brenda, and Jorge,
I am deeply saddened by the loss of your mother. As a young girl, how I looked up to this women who showed such courage during the World War Two
, having to leave Italy, immigrating to South America and finally Canada. She was a women that demonstrated class in all her interactions . She was a women of deep faith giving so much to her community through her work in the Catholic Women’s League. She touched many hearts through her lifetime. We, the Iannelli family was so blessed to have her in our family. Through her we all got a fine appreciation of Polish cooking. We will miss you Signora.
Rest In Peace
Emily and Paul Moran
I wish to express my most sincere condolences for Erick and family for the passing of your dear mother.
I’m one of Livia’s neighbour at Rivers Edge. I enjoyed Livia’s company and the chats we periodically had.
She was such a nice lady and reminded me so much of my own grandmother . Rest in peace Livia!
My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Sabrina the psw
Sending my sincerest condolences to Erik, Brenda, Matthew, Noah and Jorgie.
It was my privilege to have worked with such a remarkable lady for the last 8 years of her life. I will fondly remember her with all her stories and all the recipes she taught me. A heart of gold and a great sense of humour. From her political conversations to religion she always had something to say about whatever was going on around the world.
I will miss having her as my client, but mostly my at-work Nonna.
Rest In Peace Livia, enjoy your time in eternity with Henry
Bronzini Ester
La Famiglia Bronzini, venuta a conoscenza della scomparsa dell’amata Livia, esprime i sentimenti di vicinanza e affetto ai figli Erick e Jorge, alla nuora Brenda e ai nipoti Matteo e Noè.
Preghiamo per lei, ricordando l’amore che la univa, nonostante la distanza, al caro fratello Romualdo.
Montesi Maria Giuliana ved. Bronzini; Ester e Tatiana Bronzini
Carlo Zannini
Sono Carlo Zannini, marito di Ester Bronzini, pur non avendo conosciuto di persona Livia, ho potuto apprezzare l’affetto che il compianto fratello Romualdo provava per Lei e in qualche modo, attraverso i suoi racconti l’ho considerata come una zia lontana. Ho avuto anche la fortuna di poterla salutare in una delle ultime telefonate che frequentemente faceva con mia suocera Giuliana.
Alla sua famiglia le mie più sincere condoglianze.
Carlo Zannini
mavi margherita virili
esprimiamo le nostre più sentite condoglianze a voi tutti. Sentiamo e sentiremo sempre zia Livia vicina .La porteremo nei nostri cuori e sarà presente nelle nostre preghiere .
Margherita virili Zanetti Bruno l
Sono Margherita, la nipote di Livia. Insieme a Bruno, mio marito, e la mia famiglia siamo tanto dispiaciuti per la scomparsa di mia zia. Ricorderemo sempre i bei giorni trascorsi insieme anche con zio Henryk. Erick e Brend, non dimenticheremo mai la permanenza a casa di zia per il vostro matrimonio, che è stata bellissima. Inviamo le nostre più sentite condoglianze a voi tutti. Un abbraccio Jorge,Erick,Brenda,ai nipoti Matteo e Noé. Margherita Virili in Zanetti dall’Italia❤
Anna Zanetti
Caro Erick, Brenda e Jorge, sono molto addolorata di sapere della scomparsa di zia Livia.
Nonostante la lontananza, zio Henryk e zia Livia , sono stati una presenza costante nella mia vita, e ricordi indelebili nei racconti di zio Romualdo e dei miei genitori.
Purtroppo nel corso delle nostre vite , ci siamo viste solo due volte , in Italia nell’anno della mia nascita nel 1972, ma ero troppo piccola per ricordare e a Toronto durante il meraviglioso matrimonio di Erick e Brenda.
Cara zia Livia ti porterò sempre nel mio cuore, abbraccia per me zio Henryk, zio Romualdo e nonna Anna.
Con tanto affetto ,
Anna Zanetti.
Carissimi Erick Jorge e Brenda
ho appreso solo questa sera della scomparsa della cara zia Livia, sono molto addolorata e dispiaciuta. Erano diverse volte che provavo a telefonare ma Livia non mi rispondeva, Anche se ci sentivamo solo per telefono, visto la lontananza io vivo in Italia, era sempre un piacere parlare con Lei. Una signora piena di vita sempre allegra con tanti ricordi dell’Italia. Non la dimenticherò mai e la porterò sempre nel cuore
A voi tutti faccio le mie più sentite condoglianze e vi abbraccio forte
buon viaggio cara Livia
Mirella Bolletta
e famiglia Bucciarelli
Jesi – Italy