November 26, 1942 – March 19, 2021
Cranbrook, BC, wife of Dave, formerly from Toronto and Kleinburg , Ontario.
We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of my beloved wife and lifelong companion, Pat, mother, sister, and aunt. We began our journey in 1959 when we met at our place of work, a Dominion Store in Toronto in 1959, and started dating. We were soon “going steady” and just over two years later, Pat agreed to marry me. The following year, 1962, when she completed Teachers College, we were married and began life’s journey together. Pat began teaching in North York schools and was immediately in love with her new career. She was creative, dedicated and spent hours each day throughout her career planning her lessons to make them both interesting, appealing, and challenging. Outdoor education, overnight camping trips, field trips to places of interest in the Toronto area, and beyond, became an integral part of her curriculum. She always believed every student could learn and grow in a positive learning environment, and was delighted to work for the North York Board of Education which encouraged teachers to be creative. Perhaps some of her former students, now in the late forties to early seventies will remember her.
Pat was so inspiring that she convinced me, Dave, to enter Teachers College in 1964, and I began my teaching career in North York schools in 1965. In 1969 we both graduated with our B.A.s. In 1971, we moved to Kleinburg, Ont. where we enjoyed living the next 34 years. Pat’s career spanned 1962 to 1981, when, to our delight, we adopted our baby son, Karl. She then gave her full attention to being the best Mom she could be, returning to some part time occasional teaching from 1990 to 2000, when she retired. She struggled and did everything possible to cope with the effects of relapsing and remitting MS which was diagnosed in 1989.
In 2005, Pat and Dave moved to Cranbrook, BC to enjoy the mountains, the climate, and the wildlife
Pat will be sorely missed by her son, Karl, (Glenna McClenahan), and their toddler Isla Rose, Brother, James Stollard(Jean), nephews Tom & Norman Wilson in Ontario, niece Diane Barnes (Tom) in PEI, Grand nephews Spenser and Evan Wilson, Sébastien Comtois, Jason Clisby, BC. Grand nieces Olivia Barnes, Rachelle Breen, Cassie, Aaren, and Dallas Wilson, and by her many friends who have kept in contact since our move west.
Marilyn Chobotar
Pat & Dave became very good friends and neighbours when they moved to Cranbrook, BC and we shared many good
times and laughs and great meals in their home – my heart is breaking right now for Dave and the family so I am finding it very difficult to put into words how much their caring and friendship meant to us.
Those we love don`t go away they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear.
Dick Sindholt
That was too soon to pass away, she is about the same age as me born in august 1942, and I am no way ready to leave this Earth yet. I pass my condolences to the whole family from here in Australia.
Regards – Dick Sindholt.
Don Audrey and family
So sorry for your loss. Our condoléances to you and your family.
Ruth Svihra
I was saddened to hear of Pat’s death. I always enjoyed corresponding with her, hearing news of her family, whether about Dave’s supportive nature, Karl’s achievements, or her precious little Isla’s milestones. I won’t forget her kindness.
With caring thoughts,
Ruth Svihra
Pat was my oldest and always dearest to my heart girlfriend. I will never forget her and the memories we shared in our youth. Our lives took different turns and then the move to Cranbrook. Nevertheless, we never lost contact. She was a very special person and so are you Dave. You have all my respect and I send you and Karl my condolences. I am sure that Pat is now in a better place and free of pain. All my love Monica
Doug and Lynne Toole
I was sad to learn of the loss of your partner, Pat. May the memories you made together comfort you always. Thank you David for being my “other big brother.”
David & Barbara Barnes & Family
We are deeply saddened to hear of Pat’s Passing.
Our Condolences to You and Your Family.
David & Barbara
Louise and Robin Clay
I was so sad to read about cousin Pat’s sudden passing. Robin & I extend our deepest condolences to Dave, Karl and Glenna and Jim and Jean. We are so glad that she got to enjoy Isla Rose for almost three years. Pat was very special, and I have such fond memories of her. She will be missed by so many who knew and loved her. Thinking of you all at this time. Louise
Evan Wilson
Very sorry to hear of the passing of our aunt Pat. Her calming demeanor and warm presence will never be forgotten.
Pat Bell
Tom, Normand Diane so sorry for your loss
Ian & Elinor
Our thoughts go to you, Dave, and Karl & family on your loss of Pat. Our children, Elizabeth, Andrew, and Donald join us in extending sympathy. It seems like ages ago that we shared the same neighborhood in Kleinburg. But we always kept in touch at Christmas and we enjoyed that. Pat was a truly remarkable person.
Ian & Elinor
Marguerite Jackson
I have read on the Retreads communication line of your deep loss. I send you my sincere condolences. From the obituary, it is evident that you had a special and endearing relationship. Despite the pain of loss may memories bring you solace.
Marguerite ( a NY colleague of good times past)
Juliette Douglas
Dear Dave and Family,
It is with great sadness that we hear of Pat’s passing. Our deepest condolences. We have known Pat for many years. She was an awesome lady, very genuine, kind and thoughtful. I will miss her lovely Christmas messages.
Please know my family are grieving with you.
Keeping you in our prayers,
Juliette and Winston Douglas
Carol Breadmore
I was so sad to read about Pat’s passing. Our deepest condolences to Dave, Karl, Glenna, Isla Rose , Jim and Jean. Thinking of you all at this time.
Carol (Allard) and family
Kimberley Greenwood (Meadows)
To the Sindholt family,
Please accept my deepest condolences. Mrs. Sindholt was my grade six teacher at Daystorm Public School in 1971-72. Her love of the outdoors and sports was amazing and her passion was transferred to many of us. At the time we may not have recognized her impact, but later in life we do and thank her for that.
Robin Maitland
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. Working at Highview with Pat and Dave was a very pleasant part of my teaching career. Sharing a classroom with Pat was a pleasure. She was so neat and organized! I would have loved to get to know her better but we were like ships passing. Pat took the morning class and I had the afternoon. She wasn’t able to stay for the whole day due to her MS but I knew she must love teaching to want to contribute in spite of her illness.
After we both retired I got to know her better. We shared many interests, including nature, wildlife, music and opera. Our families were also very important to us. We enjoyed sharing photos, jokes, and news about our families. Our eldest daughter and Karl were born in the same year. When Karl and Glenna moved to B.C., I was happy that Pat and Dave would see them more often. I thought it was extra special when Isla was born on my birthday! I’m glad that Pat was able to watch her grow, walk, and talk, at least for a short time. I’m sure Pat enriched Isla’s life, too. Pat will be sorely missed.
Christine Robinson
Dear Dave , Kyle , family and friends of Pat , we are so sorry for your loss . Pat was a real woman of substance , an inspiration , an incredible mentor and teacher. I have known Pat 34 years and met her when she was teaching Tales for Two year olds at Kleinburg library ! I still remember her dedication to those reading sessions . She always put in so much effort and I really enjoyed her classes as much as my son ,Edward . It was here I met my dearest friend Jeanne and her son Jamie . Edward and Jamie became best friends after Pat’s classes ! I am so happy I met Pat and I have enjoyed exchange of Christmas cards and news every year following their new life in BC. I feel Pat will live on in the many lives she influenced. I hope that Dave and Kyle can find comfort in all the wonderful memories of a life well lived . Sending deepest condolences.
Pat Cooper
Dear Dave;
We are so saddened to hear of the passing of Pat. We lost touch when she left Daystrom and definitely when the two of you left for British Columbia. We were on the same Daystrom staff for the time that she taught at Daystrom. She was always a very dedicated and caring teacher. We do have a definite memory of Pat and her very down to earth approach to any situation. It was a lovely warm day so Pat kept her class out after recess with the plan to play baseball. Everyone else was inside. Suddenly a very misguided person in a Volkswagen Beetle appeared on the playground and started heading in their direction. He later chased her class and Pat around that particular part of the playground. Fortunately Pat had her wits about her and guided her kids behind the fence surrounding home plate. Somehow she either got a child to run in and tell the office staff or someone whose class faced the playground saw what was happening and reported it to the office. Not sure what happened next but all were safe and Pat was the heroine of the day. Again our condolences to you and your son and family.
Pat Peters and Pat Cooper
Former Daystrom Staff
Be well, Dave.